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Natural Melatonin 1.95mg


Natural Melatonin 1.95mg

Trouble falling asleep? This plant-based melatonin dietary supplement helps reset your sleep cycle: faster falling asleep, deep and restorative sleep... It is also an ally against migraines!
Natural and Plant-Based Melatonin
60 capsules of 1.95mg plant-based melatonin
Accelerates falling asleep, valuable aid for sleep
Made in France

Be alerted of the availability by mail

Melatonin, the sleep hormone, is naturally secreted by the pineal gland in the absence of light. It is responsible for signaling the onset of sleep!
Its production is slowed down by artificial lights, especially blue lights.
Stopping screen time a few hours before bed to fall asleep faster is not a myth!

Melatonin plays an essential role in the sleep cycle!
As we age, its production decreases, which can lead to sleep disorders.
However, anyone can experience difficulties sleeping well at any age for various reasons!

As sleep specialists, we have selected the best dietary supplement of natural and plant-based melatonin to improve your sleep quality and nighttime rest.

Not sure which melatonin on the market to choose?
Pay close attention to the source of melatonin. It can be synthetic, naturally sourced from animals (usually pigs), or naturally plant-based like this one.
Also, be cautious about the composition of the products you find: some, especially on marketplaces like Amazon, contain toxic components such as Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Sodium Croscarmellose, or unhealthy ones like sorbitol.
We guarantee that Herbatonin2 melatonin is 100% natural, 100% plant-based, and 100% free of any undesirable components.


Limited to 2mg of melatonin per capsule in France, Herbatonin 2 provides you with 1.95mg per capsule, the maximum you can find!
The dosage of 1.90mg of melatonin corresponds to the effectiveness demonstrated by the latest research.
Effects are shown from 1mg before bedtime.

Herbatonin2 is a natural extended-release supplement.
You will fall asleep quickly and benefit from its effects throughout the night.

Plant-based, Herbatonin 2 contains no chemicals, solvents, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors, sucrose, yeast, dairy products, soy, wheat, corn, or gluten.
Herbatonin2 is neither a drug nor a synthetic product: it is a healthy dietary supplement with no risk of dependency.


Think you've tried everything to sleep better?
By choosing Herbatonin2 natural and plant-based melatonin, you:

- Speed up your falling asleep: no more tossing and turning for hours before falling asleep, Herbatonin2 works within 30 minutes!

- Increase your sleep quality and stop night awakenings: enjoy complete and restful nights without sudden awakenings.

- Facilitate gentle falling asleep during periods of stress: overwork, exams, personal worries, events (new job, moving)... so many everyday situations that can cause difficulties falling asleep.

- Help regulate your biological clock: if you work in shifts (e.g., 2x8 or 3x8), you will induce sleep at the desired time.

- Help your biological clock adjust to a foreign country's schedule: long-distance traveler? Melatonin is ideal for recovering from jet lag.

- Speed up your adjustment to time changes: on the days of time change and a few days following these changes, take melatonin to help your biological clock adjust to the new rhythm artificially imposed by this time convention.

In general, melatonin is a good supplement to take in case of insomnia or other sleep disorders.
But not only: melatonin is also a weight loss ally !

  • It regulates the hormonal production of leptin and ghrelin, responsible for regulating hunger, appetite, and cravings for snacks, whether nocturnal or not.

  • It leads to an increase in muscle mass and weight loss.

  • It increases the activity and efficiency of brown fat, the beneficial fat that burns your reserves of sugar and fat, especially to maintain the body's proper temperature.

  • It increases the transformation of inert white fat into beige fat: your "bad" fat then behaves like factories that burn fat, creating a virtuous cycle.


By reducing stress (1) (2) and improving sleep (3), melatonin also acts on migraines.
Indeed, many correlations have been made between melatonin and headaches.

Melatonin levels are lower in migraine sufferers than in people who do not suffer from regular headaches.
Thus, increasing melatonin levels through dietary supplements could prevent migraine attacks by regulating pain neurotransmitters and limiting blood vessel dilation.

Moreover, melatonin has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects by stimulating the immune system.
It also plays a role in regulating blood pressure.



How much?
Take one capsule per day 30 minutes before bedtime.
Herbatonin2 is a natural extended-release supplement.

When you feel the need:
- Persistent fatigue: take advantage of a lazy morning to enjoy deep and restorative sleep!
- Persistent sleep disorders due to age, certain pathologies, or bad habits...
- Periods of intense stress: moving, exams, work...
- Rotating work schedules: professions with staggered hours such as 2x8 or 3x8 schedules
- Seasonal changes: the famous switch to daylight saving time that makes us lose 1 hour of sleep!
- Change of location or bedding: some people only sleep well at home!
- Jet lag due to long travel, especially to the East!
Did you just travel from Paris to Sydney? Besides the fatigue from the long journey, your biological clock is disrupted by the significant time difference. It is already midnight in Sydney, but for you, it is still 2 PM! Plant-based melatonin helps you find sleep and adjust to this new schedule.



Herbatonin2 plant-based melatonin is also available in a pack of 3 bottles.

Quantity of melatonin1.95 mg of plant-based melatonin per capsule - 117 mg per bottle
Number of capsules60 capsules of 390 mg, packaged in a bottle
Composition per 1 capsuleHerbatonin (100:1): rice extract (oryza sativa), alfalfa extract (medicago sativa), and Chlorella pyrenoidosa extract (totaling 195 mg for these 3 elements),
Filling agent: organic rice starch (120 mg)
100% vegetable capsulesPullulan capsules (100% vegetable with a manufacturing process that requires no chemical agents) 1 capsule per day 30 minutes before bedtime
Directions for use1 capsule per day 30 minutes before bedtime
Precautions for useIf you are taking medication or have lymphoproliferative disorder, consult your doctor.
Due to the presence of alfalfa extract, we are required in France to add the mention "not recommended for women with personal or family history of breast cancer," although melatonin appears to have the opposite effect. Not applicable in other countries.
(*) Free delivery for Europe, United Kingdom and Switzerland when above 149 €.
The delivery cost is deducted for the total sum to pay.
Prices are VAT excluded for Switzerland, oversea territories and non-European countries.
Customer Reviews
Très efficace! posted the 19/02/2022 by Lou
Dommage que ce soit en rupture de stock...
Answer from Climsom :
Nous sommes navrés de cette rupture. Vous serez tenu informé dès son retour en stock.

Bien cordialement,
L'Équipe Climsom

bien dormir naturellement posted the 16/10/2021 by Nico
Bonjour à tous ! je prends de l'Herbatonin 2 depuis de nombreuses années maintenant et j'ai été bien heureux d'en trouver ici, avec Climsom, car ce produit est en rupture de stock pratiquement partout (même chez Phyto-One qui le fabrique !) Quel dommage car ces gélules contiennent de la mélatonine végétale et non animale comme il est proposé dans beaucoup d'autres produits à base de mélatonine, mais moi la mélatonine prélevée sur des vaches ou des cochons, je préfère ce qui vient des plantes, c'est Read morebeaucoup plus naturel et me réussi bien mieux ! d'ailleurs avec une seule gélule je dors 8 à 10 hrs d'un sommeil réparateur, long, et sans interruption, avec mon quotidien c'est grandement nécessaire ! Alors un immense merci à Climsom de proposer encore de « l'Herbatonin 2 » vous me sauvez la mise !!! :D ps : la livraison et l'expédition ont été très rapide et très soignée, donc doublement content ;)

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