Acupressure,  Health,  Wellness

Relieve Pain with the Acupressure Mat

Back Pain, Joint Pain, Muscle Tension, Heavy Legs… Are you tired of dealing with these everyday pains? Why not tap into your body’s natural healing abilities?

Reconnect with the ancient tradition of acupressure to relieve your pain! The acupressure mat is a completely natural solution with numerous benefits, provided it is used correctly. Follow our tips to make the most of the acupressure mat’s benefits based on your specific pain.

1. How to Relieve Back Pain?

Back Pain, the Ailment of the Century

It’s the most common reason for medical consultations! Back pain has affected, affects, or will affect more than 80% of French people at least once in their lifetime (source: This explains the nickname “the ailment of the century”! Varying in intensity, back pain can be experienced both day and night. Many people try to alleviate this pain with medication. However, the acupressure mat has proven to be a natural remedy for some of our users. According to our survey, 20% of users have reduced their medication intake thanks to the use of the acupressure mat!

How to Use the Acupressure Mat for Back Pain

If your pain is localized in the lower back, the following position is particularly recommended. Once lying down, bring your heels towards your buttocks by bending your knees to increase the contact between the acupressure points and your lower back.

The more your knees are bent, the better the contact of your back with the mat will be.

Another option: place a towel under the acupressure mat, specifically beneath the area of pain. Avoid trying to roll the mat, as the firmness of the foam, chosen for its durability, would not allow it.

You can also place the Climsom Zen acupressure pillow behind the curve of your lower back. Opt for the acupressure pillow filled with spelt grains, which is firmer than the millet-filled one. Feel free to heat it to combine the benefits of acupressure with those of thermotherapy. To do this, remove the pillow from its cover with the spikes and place it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes (alternatively, you can use an oven or simply place it on a radiator; see usage instructions for details). The warmth from the pillow will immediately soothe your tension and enhance your well-being during your session.

Why Is It Effective?

In contact with your back, the 6,930 points on the acupressure mat will reactivate blood circulation, improve the hydration of spinal discs, enhance blood oxygenation, aid in toxin elimination, and support the transport of essential nutrients for your health. Lying on the acupressure mat also helps to relieve pressure between the vertebrae, promoting spinal decompression. If you suffer from sciatica, the acupressure mat can help naturally soothe your pain.

Reviews of the Climsom Zen Acupressure Mat

« After 3 sessions, back muscle stiffness improves. » Christine

« I’ve suffered from back pain for years, but I’m finally seeing an end to my discomfort and a real improvement in my condition. With my sessions and physical therapy, I think I’ll finally be able to recover my back! » Antoine

2. How to Relieve Joint Pain?

According to our survey, 23% of respondents use the acupressure mat to relieve arthritis and other joint pains. While the acupressure mat won’t make your arthritis disappear magically, it can help alleviate pain in your back, pelvis, shoulders, or even hands during flare-ups. We recommend lying on the mat with it positioned under the affected area to apply pressure. This increased blood flow will help support the healing and regeneration of the painful area.


Why Is It Effective?

In addition to promoting micro-circulation, acupressure mats stimulate the release of endorphins. These act as natural pain relievers and muscle relaxants, helping users with arthritis manage their daily discomfort.

Do you suffer from arthritis or osteoarthritis? Discover our personalized tips to relieve your pain.

Reviews of the Climsom Zen Acupressure Mat

« I discovered the mat online and use it whenever needed for about twenty minutes to relieve pain in my legs due to arthritis. It really helps to soothe and calm me. » Andrée V.

Focus on the Acupressure-Magnetotherapy Mat
If you suffer from painful joints, the acupressure-magnetotherapy mat can become a valuable ally. Combining acupressure and magnetotherapy, this mat features 6,930 micro-pressure points along with 42 magnets arranged in a “T” shape. Recognized as a gentle alternative medicine, magnetotherapy enhances blood circulation while stimulating cellular activity. The magnetic fields help the body regain the energy expended daily.

Climsom Zen Acupressure-Magnetotherapy Mat

3. How to Relieve Neck Pain and Headaches?

To benefit from acupressure, take a towel and roll it under your acupressure mat to create contact between the mat and your neck. Alternatively, you can use the Climsom Zen Millet Acupressure and Thermotherapy Pillow, which is designed to perfectly conform to the shape of your neck. Featuring “natural memory foam” comfort, this pillow is ideal for use under the neck. It can even be heated to provide the additional benefits of thermotherapy. This pillow is available as part of a package with the acupressure mat.

Neck Relaxation with the Acupressure Pillow

Why Is It Effective?

The action of the acupressure points on your neck will help relax the muscles of your neck and shoulders while contributing to a reduction in cortisol, the stress hormone. By encouraging the release of endorphins and oxytocin, the “feel-good” hormones, the acupressure mat provides overall relaxation: it eases neck tension, enhances blood circulation, and restores a gentle sense of well-being. By relieving muscle tension that can accumulate in the neck and shoulders, acupressure can even play a preventive role in the occurrence of certain migraines.

Reviews of the Climsom Zen Acupressure Mat

« The pillow is really comfortable and well-padded. I use it with or without the cover to relieve my neck pain. » Jérôme

4. How to Relieve Heavy Legs?

If you suffer from heavy legs, you can place your acupressure mat under your legs while lying down or sitting. In this position, it’s important to add a support under the mat. Placing this support at the level of your knees enhances the contact between the mat and your legs. Feel free to elevate your feet to promote better blood circulation. For instance, you can enjoy a TV evening by having an acupressure session on your couch, combining relaxation with practical benefits!

Enhance Mat Contact Under the Knees with a Support

Good to Know: Using the acupressure mat under your back can also help stimulate overall blood circulation throughout your body.

Why Is It Effective?

Heavy legs are often associated with poor blood circulation. The acupressure mat is recommended to alleviate these sensations of heaviness. The thousands of acupressure points on the mat stimulate every part of the legs while improving lymphatic drainage. Over time, acupressure can help combat the development of varicose veins and more severe issues, such as edema.


Reviews of the Climsom Zen Acupressure Mat

« The sensation of heavy legs disappeared after just 2 uses. » Cédric

5. How to Relieve Restless Legs?

Restless Legs Syndrome, which causes an irresistible urge to move the legs, is relieved by movement or walking. The acupressure mat, placed under your legs while sitting, can help if you suffer from restlessness. You can also place it under your feet while sitting and simulate walking.

This position is also applicable with the reflexology cushion. While seated, place your bare feet on the cushion. Then, perform slow movements for a few minutes by gently pressing your heel into the cushion. Alternate between your right and left foot as if you were walking.

The sensation is hard to describe. Users confirm that the feeling of the points on this part of the skin is very pleasant. Not only beneficial for the legs, the reflexology cushion is equally effective for the back, as it encourages you to adopt a proper posture in your chair to feel the weight of your feet on the cushion.

Simulate walking with the reflexology cushion

Why Is It Effective?

Since walking helps alleviate restlessness, the reflexology cushion acts as an alternative while staying at home. Equipped with 2,781 sharper points than those on the acupressure mat, this cushion promotes venous return, which is the upward flow of oxygen-depleted blood from the feet to the upper part of the body, where it is reoxygenated.

6. How to Reduce Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders?

If you suffer from sleep disorders, we recommend using the acupressure mat in the evening, about 2 hours after dinner. Lie down on your bed with the mat placed between your shoulder blades and coccyx. While the peak level of endorphins is reached after 45 minutes of use, many users experience the benefits of their session well before this time. However, be careful not to fall asleep on the mat!

femme allongee sur tapis dacupression Climsom Zen bleu
Improve Your Sleep with the Acupressure Mat and Pillow

Why Is It Effective?

The acupressure mat reduces the stress hormone cortisol and stimulates the production of endorphins and oxytocin, commonly known as the “happiness and well-being hormones“. And for good reason! Endorphins are natural painkillers that provide a gentle sensation of calm and euphoria. Oxytocin is a powerful anxiolytic with a soothing and sleep-inducing effect.

Reviews of the Climsom Zen Acupressure Mat

« It really soothes, and our sleep has been of much better quality, deeper, for over a week now. » Cédric

« I bought this mat following my physiotherapist’s advice, as I had complained about not being able to sleep at night (probably due to stress). I’ve been using it for a few weeks now, and I am delighted. After 20 to 30-minute sessions in the evening while watching TV, I feel that my shoulders and back are relaxed, and I fall asleep more easily. » Maggy

« I use it every day, especially in the evening. There’s nothing better for relaxing and aiding sleep. » Roni

7. How to Combat Stress?

Feeling stressed? The acupressure mat has helped 48% of our users who experience stress improve their well-being – why not you? Using the mat with bare skin is recommended. Feel free to combine its use with meditation and breathing exercises for added effectiveness.


Why is it effective?

The acupressure mat is effective against stress for several reasons:

  • It promotes muscle relaxation
  • It releases well-being hormones, endorphins and oxytocin
  • It helps you to pause and refocus on yourself: by concentrating on our breathing, we finally give ourselves the necessary time for mental and physical regeneration.

Reviews of the Climsom Zen Acupressure Mat

« I quickly felt the benefits of the mat after a week’s use (a 25-minute session every evening to start with). I’m now ‘hooked’, the impact on my stress is incredible. Physically, during the sessions (which sometimes last up to an hour every evening, just for the heck of it), I feel my body release tension in real time (a sensation of warmth and incomparable well-being). I then enjoy it all day long, looking forward to my evening dose! » Tristan

« I’d heard about it for some time and took the plunge this weekend. And so far I’m not disappointed: it’s really relaxing! » Christine


We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how to make the most of the advantages and benefits of an acupressure mat. What’s the point of having the best acupressure mat in the world if you don’t know how to use it properly? At Climsom, we help you to see things more clearly: that’s why every mat comes with an accompanying booklet. And don’t forget that our team, always ready to listen, can advise you according to your needs: so don’t hesitate to ask us your questions in the comments section or to contact us by e-mail.

The reviews presented throughout this article can be consulted on the Climsom website.

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