lutter contre insomnie et troubles du sommeil
Health,  Sleep

Pregnancy and heavy legs: what solution at night?

During pregnancy, especially from the 6th month onwards, you may experience the sensation of heavy legs.

You might feel pain, tingling, heaviness, or even cramps in your legs.

These sensations, quite uncomfortable, are caused by increased pressure due to potential weight gain and, most importantly, by significant hormonal changes.

Indeed, among the hormones abundantly produced during pregnancy, there are estrogen, which promotes swelling, and progesterone, which encourages the dilation of blood vessels. This explains why venous return struggles to be as effective as before!

To remedy these persistent pains, your natural instinct leads you to elevate your legs and seek… cold!

soulager ses jambes lourdes
Person trying to relieve their heavy legs

And you’re absolutely right: cold is the best solution to alleviate the discomfort of heavy legs during pregnancy. It’s also a recurring advice given by specialists in heavy legs, the phlebologists!

Scots showers or cold water jets on the legs and other refreshing gels provide temporary relief but unfortunately remain short-term solutions.

So, what can you do to enjoy soothing coolness on your heavy pregnant legs all night long and alleviate your discomfort?

Let’s focus on 2 solutions that you may not be familiar with yet but have proven to be effective!

1. The Coolpad XL Gel cooling cushion: an affordable solution for heavy legs

Have you tried everything to keep your legs cool?

Do you really want to constantly make trips back and forth to the bathroom? Just as you’re getting settled into bed, you also need to fall asleep quickly before the pains return. I don’t know about you, but personally, trying to fall asleep by constantly telling myself that I need to fall asleep quickly always ends in failure!

sommeil troublé
The proof in the picture…

Even the gels, many are not recommended for pregnant women due to the presence of essential oils in their composition, and if by chance you find one that’s suitable, the comfort is, once again, short-lived. Not to mention that you have to massage yourself morning and evening: what a hassle when you’re pregnant!

Compression stockings? While they provide appreciable help during the day, the problem persists at night because sleeping with them is out of the question.

As for veinotonic drugs, their effectiveness is so inadequate that they have been delisted!

The solution to heavy legs without leaving your bed: the Coolpad XL Gel

This is where the Coolpad XL Gel cooling pillow comes in! Once placed under your legs, thanks to the gel it contains, it will continuously release its coolness onto the targeted area.

And during the day, you can use it to perform wraps and promote blood circulation in your legs.

enveloppement jambes
The Coolpad XL Gel is so flexible that it allows for easy wraps.

Immediate relief that lasts for several hours, giving you time to fall asleep: that’s the mission of the Coolpad XL Gel!

Enjoy it: for less than 40 euros, the Coolpad XL Gel will provide you with better nights during your pregnancy and beyond: thanks to the diffused coolness, you will sleep better and longer!

Visit HERE to discover this best-seller that has already won over thousands of users!

It will also be your ally if you suffer from the Lacomme Syndrome or ligament pains. On that note, feel free to read the amazing testimony of one of our close users!

And if you want even more freshness, no problem! The Coolpad XL Gel can be placed in the refrigerator: guaranteed intense freshness effect!

Okay, it sounds like a good solution for heavy legs, but what will it do for me after my pregnancy?

Don’t worry, it will be just as useful after your pregnancy for:
– keeping your head cool during hot weather
– soothing migraines and headaches
– relieving fever
– sleeping better and faster: used daily at bedtime, its coolness will lower your body temperature, facilitating faster sleep onset and deeper sleep. You will fall asleep faster and recover better during your nights.

coolpad xl gel facilitant endormissement
Your partner might even steal it from you!

Compared to other solutions, the Coolpad XL Gel:
> Suitable for pregnant women (no contraindications)
> Provides immediate and long-lasting freshness (several hours)
> Facilitates quick and easy falling asleep
> No more trips to the bathroom!
> Its benefits extend beyond pregnancy, so it will be just as useful after your pregnancy!

Double the freshness with the Duo pack at a preferential rate!

The cooling power of the Coolpad XL Gel lasts for several hours. If you want to enjoy the benefits of the cooling pillow all night long, you can opt for the pack of 2 CoolPad XL Gel at a discounted price.

You can then alternate between them during the night. Simply set aside the used Coolpad to let it return to its original temperature and slide the second Coolpad under your legs.

Take advantage of the special offer on the pack of 2 Coolpad XL Gel to double the cooling effect against heavy legs!


2. The Climsom mattress topper: a lasting solution for heavy legs

For a cool bed all night long and light legs in the morning

If you dream of having beautiful and light legs during your pregnancy, the Climsom cooling mattress topper is going to become your favorite solution for heavy legs!

Imagine in the evening, when you go to bed, slipping into a bed at the temperature of your choice to rest your legs tired from the day. You lie down and there it is, the bliss! You feel the refreshing coolness of the mattress topper spreading all along your legs.

Finally, you have your moment of relaxation! The tingling and heaviness are now just a distant memory: you can now drift off to sleep for the sweetest of nights…

This dream is entirely possible thanks to the Climsom cooling mattress topper and a little water.

Fonctionnement du surmatelas Climsom
the Climsom cooling mattress topper, eager to meet you!

Explanation: The Climsom is a mattress topper that fits between the mattress and the fitted sheet. Universal, it adapts to all types of bedding.

It is connected to a device, the thermo-controller, into which water is added and the desired comfort temperature is selected.

Adjustable to the exact degree, it is possible to choose a temperature ranging from 18°C to 48°C.

Improve your sleep while limiting the appearance of varicose veins

To address the issue of heavy legs during pregnancy, we then choose a cool temperature to benefit from the vasoconstrictive effect of the cold: the cooled water will then reach the mattress topper through the included hose and circulate through a network of tubes so fine that you won’t feel them once lying down.

6 out of 10 women notice the appearance of varicose veins as early as their first pregnancy: Climsom will help you limit this discomfort thanks to its continuous coolness throughout the night. With cool legs, your body temperature decreases, further facilitating your falling asleep. Killing two birds with one stone, you reduce your pains and fall asleep faster.

Visit HERE to learn more about bed air conditioning and discover user testimonials.

Contents of the Climsom Mattress Topper Pack:

  • A soft mattress topper designed to cool the entire body (70×190 cm // 27 x 75″)
  • A thermo-controller to adjust the temperature precisely, from 18° to 48°C // 64° to 118°F
  • Easy installation, in just 2 “clicks” and a few minutes!
  • A remote control, batteries included, to control everything from your bed
  • An instruction manual full of helpful tips

Heat and Pregnancy: Make Life Easier with Climsom

You’ve got it, heat is to be avoided as it promotes the dilation of veins, leading to the sensation of heavy legs.

Cold, with its vasoconstrictor and analgesic effects, will help restart your blood circulation and relieve your legs.

The Climsom allows you to control the temperature of your bed regardless of the weather conditions. And all this without moving from your bed thanks to the included remote control!

We know how difficult it can be to sleep while pregnant. But if you add heavy legs and heatwaves to the mix, it can become a real nightmare!

Fortunately, being pregnant during hot weather is no longer a problem thanks to the Climsom.

What will I use the Climsom for after my pregnancy?

The Climsom will serve you well after your pregnancy by providing a cool sleeping environment, especially during hot summer nights or to facilitate falling asleep every day! Particularly if:

you have trouble falling asleep quickly at night: you toss and turn in bed while staring at the ceiling – you need a cool environment to fall asleep!

you are used to waking up at night: you need a cool environment throughout the night!

you often feel too hot at night and wake up sweating: you need a cool environment throughout the night!

you and your partner have different ideas of the “ideal temperature” for sleeping: you need to be able to adjust your own comfort temperature without disturbing your partner!

you find the bed too cold in winter and too hot in summer: the Climsom can be adjusted from 18°C to 48°C. By setting it 30 minutes before going to bed, your side of the bed will always be at the right temperature!

you want to wake up feeling refreshed in the morning: by sleeping at your comfort temperature all night, this will happen!

A bed air conditioner can solve all these problems by offering an adjustable temperature down to the degree. Your body needs coolness to sleep better and this throughout the night.

soulager les jambes lourdes la nuit grâce au surmatelas Climsom
Feeling comfortable in bed, I stay in control with Climsom.

Testing Climsom is possible!

If you’re looking for the best solution to relieve pregnancy-related heavy legs, try the Climsom cooling mattress topper: 10 years of existence, thousands of relieved heavy legs, and just as many nights of regained sleep!

Thanks to the 30-day Money Back Guarantee, you can take the time to try it at home. If it doesn’t meet your expectations, simply return it to us and we’ll refund you.

We do want to warn you, however, that in the vast majority of cases (96%), trying it means adopting it: our users quickly get used to the cooling effect of the mattress topper and don’t want to part with it anymore!

Below is the list of your other Climsom benefits:

  • Free shipping
  • Low electricity consumption compared to an air conditioning system and no greenhouse gases produced
  • A natural and soothing solution adapted to your situation and lasting all night
  • A team at your disposal to answer your questions and advise you
  • An all-inclusive pack usable from the very same evening!

The press is talking about it

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