Heatwave,  Sleep,  Wellness

Cooling gel pillow: true or false good idea?

Spoiler: There’s Something Much Better!

Are you frequently sweating during your sleep? Do you often wake up at night because you’re too hot?

Despite trying various tricks to cool down, you just can’t seem to sleep well: too hot at night, damp sheets, night sweats… What you need is a way to keep your head cool. After some research, you come across the gel cooling pillow.

At first glance, the idea seems promising, but we’re here to stop you right there. Because the gel cooling pillow has its limitations, and you’ll soon realize it’s impractical for everyday use. We’ll explain why and, more importantly, we’ll give you a solution to finally get a good night’s sleep!

Cooling down to sleep better: the instinct is right!

We know it: heat and sleep don’t mix well! That’s why during heatwaves or hot weather, we all struggle to fall asleep. There’s an explanation for this: just before you fall asleep, your body temperature drops. It’s this drop in temperature that signals to your body that sleep is approaching.

So, you understand better why sleeping under a pile of blankets or in an overheated room isn’t recommended. Besides delaying your ability to fall asleep quickly, an increase in temperature will disturb the quality of your sleep, and you’ll wake up the next day tired from the various nocturnal awakenings.

Using a gel cooling pillow would therefore help your body: with the coolness, your body temperature will inevitably decrease, inducing sleep.

In theory, that sounds good, but in practice… it’s not so simple!

3 Common Misconceptions about Cooling Gel Pillows

1. A cooling gel pillow will keep me cool all night

FALSE. The cooling gel pillow is designed to cool the sleeper by absorbing their body heat with its gel side. Once saturated with heat, your cooling pillow will no longer be effective. You may wake up in the middle of the night sweating, needing to set it aside and replace it with another pillow… inevitably further disrupting your sleep. And once you’ve switched to a new pillow, you’ll still face the same problem: struggling to fall back asleep!


2. A gel cooling pillow will help me sweat less at night.

FALSE. To properly dissipate sweat, a pillow needs to be breathable and well-ventilated: therefore, a feather or down pillow is preferable. However, in order to incorporate a gel side, your pillow must be made of synthetic material, which… can make you sweat! So, the cooling gel pillow will actually promote sweating due to its composition, while trying to cool you down with its gel… Paradoxical, isn’t it? Not to mention absurd!

3. A cooling gel pillow provides intense coolness even during heatwaves.

FALSE. During a heatwave, it’s difficult to keep our rooms at the recommended temperature. Even with the blinds closed, when the sun is at its highest, the temperature rises. Therefore, your cooling gel pillow may lose effectiveness when you lie on it, as the difference with your body temperature is reduced. Plus, it’s impossible to put it in the refrigerator due to its bulky size…

Unfortunately, there are other drawbacks to the cooling gel pillow, such as:

  • poor neck support, which can lead to short-term tension and pain
  • this type of pillow is only suitable for side or back sleepers. For those who sleep on their stomachs, the pillow with cooling gel is not recommended!
  • finally, let’s talk about the price. Expect to spend at least 60 euros on a cooling gel pillow. At this price, wouldn’t it be better to invest in a real solution?

A real good idea: the cooling pillow topper

cooling gel pillow topper

The best cooling gel pillow is your regular pillow topped with a cooling pillow topper! Here are 4 good reasons to adopt the cooling pillow topper :

1. To maintain the comfort of your regular pillow

The cooling pillow topper sits on top of your regular pillow, allowing you to retain the benefits of your usual pillow while adding extra coolness. If direct contact with the cool surface is too intense for you, it can be placed under your pillowcase thanks to its universal size. By keeping your everyday pillow, you spare your neck from any strain or discomfort in the coming days. Plus, with the cooling pillow topper, you can sleep on your back, side, or stomach!

2. For intense coolness, even during heatwaves

The cooling pillow topper has the ability to self-cool. Simply set it aside after use, and it will be usable again within half an hour. If you desire even more intense coolness, the cooling pillow topper can be folded and placed in the refrigerator.

3. For easier use

The cooling pillow topper can be easily set aside at night if it becomes saturated. You can then exchange it for its twin (buy them in pairs and save!) or easily fall back asleep on your regular pillow.

4. For a controlled budget

The cooling pillow topper is affordable: expect to pay less than 40 euros for one of our models (shipping included!). Buy them in packs of 2: you’ll benefit from an attractive discount and enjoy coolness all night long! You might find cheaper options, but be careful about quality and durability!

We offer 2 models of cooling pillow toppers: choose yours!

ModelCoolpad CrystalCoolpad XL Gel
Size17.7×17.7 inches
(45×45 cm)
25.6×19.7 inches
(65×50 cm)
Composition100% natural mini-crystalsgel
Ready to use?yesyes
Foldablefoldable in 4foldable in 2 and in 4
SummaryThe lightestThe largest
Buy in eurosGreen / Blue / Pink / PurpleBlue
Buy in GBPGreen / Blue / Pink / PurpleBlue

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