masque yeux chauffant Spa du Regard

Dry Eyes: A Simple and Effective Solution to Relieve Them!

Irritated, swollen, red eyes, stinging sensations… We’ve all experienced discomfort in our eyes, feeling dry and painful, as if we lack tears. When this discomfort is occasional and the reasons are clear, such as a day at the beach or pool, there’s little reason to worry.

However, if your eyes itch, sting, or you feel very sensitive to light daily, you probably suffer from dry eye syndrome! Beyond the discomfort and potential pain it can cause, it’s important to address this issue before it affects your vision.

Don’t worry, simple solutions exist!

Why Do We Have Dry Eyes?

Common Factors

  • External environment: Wind and pollution can affect eye comfort.
  • Heating and air conditioning: They dry out the air, quickly dehydrating the skin and eyes.
  • Wearing contact lenses: If not properly suited to your vision or eyes, contact lenses can cause eye dryness.
  • Makeup and makeup removers: Mascara, in particular, can impair the protective function of eyelashes. Choose a suitable makeup remover to avoid dry and irritated eyes.
  • Eye infection: If you feel like only one eye is dry, you might have an early infection like conjunctivitis. Be careful not to rub your eyes, as it is very contagious!

    We are increasingly spending more time in front of screens: computers, TVs, phones… and this starts at an early age! The rise of social media keeps young people (and others!) glued to their phones. From higher education (rarely before), students begin taking notes on computers, spending their days in front of screens. The more we strain our eyes with screens, the more sensitive to light they become…

    Additionally, without realizing it, we blink less when focusing on screens. When screens are at eye level, they make us keep our eyes wide open. Who hasn’t felt dry and red eyes after a full day in front of a computer?

    Screens also cause eye fatigue.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

Meibomian glands produce the lipid (oily) layer of the tear film, which prevents tear evaporation. By maintaining a sufficient amount of tears, they keep the eyes from drying out. They also ensure eye lubrication.

When the Meibomian glands are blocked and don’t secrete enough oil, the eyes lose their protection, and tear production alone isn’t enough to keep them properly hydrated. This is when we talk about dry eye syndrome. MGD is one of the main causes and a very common reason for ophthalmological consultations.

How to Relieve Dry Eyes?

If the discomfort is not too intense, you can start by following some tips to limit and relieve dry eyes:

Wear glasses with blue light filters in front of screens, even if you don’t need vision correction. Your eyes will feel less tired at the end of the day, and you’ll likely avoid headaches.
Take breaks! Use them to blink or close your eyes for a few moments.
Moisten your eyes with appropriate eye drops.
Gently massage your eyelids.
Apply warm compresses to your eyes, or consider another solution that might have the same effect…

Heated Eye Mask, More Convenient Than Warm Compresses!

Have you tried warm compresses as a natural treatment for dry eyes?
Did you soak them in hot water and apply them to your eyes?
Were you unsure about the water temperature to use?
Did the compresses cool down quickly?

Switch to self-heating eye masks from Spa du Regard and enjoy gentle, progressive, moist heat for 30 minutes! Much easier to use, just take them out of their package, and they start to warm up gradually to 41°C upon contact with air.

If you suffer from Meibomian gland dysfunction, regularly applying heat to your eyes will gradually unblock them and liquefy the protective tear film. You’ll experience immediate relief from discomfort and long-term relief from dry eyes by helping your Meibomian glands resume their function!

Soulager la sécheresse oculaire grâce aux masque Spa du Regard
Box of 10 Single-Use Self-Heating Eye Masks

A handy tip if you think you’re short on time!

Keep your ready-to-use masks on your bedside table and have a session when you go to bed, comfortably lying in your bed! Since Spa du Regard masks are self-heating, you won’t even need to get up to microwave them or run them under hot water!

You’ll also take this time to relax and unwind from your day’s stress. Some people have even fallen asleep with the mask on their eyes… (we won’t name names!)

Moreover, taking care of your eyes in the evening can also prevent dry eyes at night and in the morning! With fewer eye movements and possibly screen time before bed, it is indeed possible to wake up with dry eyes.

Masque chauffant pour les yeux Spa du Regard Climsom

Do you tend to fiddle with your phone in bed and in the dark before sleeping?
You’ve probably noticed it can negatively affect your sleep and your eyes:

  • The screen disrupts your biological clock: It delays your sleep onset or even causes real insomnia.
  • The light, particularly blue light, dries out your tired eyes.

This creates a vicious cycle because the fatigue caused by disrupted sleep further impacts your eyes!

By ending your day at least without screens, ideally with a heated eye mask, you will significantly rest your eyes and get better sleep. You will turn the vicious cycle into a virtuous one. A natural remedy to wake up without dry eyes in the morning!

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