Coussin d'acupression Climsom Zen Mauve
Acupressure,  Health,  Sleep,  Wellness

Cervical pain: acupressure for relieving neck pain

Located in the neck, and sometimes extending to the shoulders, cervicalgia manifests as sharp pain in the cervical spine. Its consequences can significantly impact daily life: stiffness, headaches, fatigue, dizziness…

Take control and alleviate your pain using a recognized and 100% natural method: acupressure.

Getting rid of cervicalgia is possible!

To effectively address cervicalgia, it’s crucial to understand it and identify its sources.
Here are the main causes:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Poor posture
  • Air conditioning
  • Inappropriate pillow
  • Infections like sore throat
  • Text-neck syndrome, associated with poor head position when using smartphones !

You can take proactive steps to anticipate or avoid these pains:

  • Avoid prolonged sitting without changing position and maintain good posture: the orthopedic cooling cushion ClimSeat can assist with this!
  • Engage in physical and breathing exercises.
  • Take time for yourself to relax and avoid overexertion.

Our solution is entirely natural and helps release daily accumulated neck tensions. If you tend to rely on pain-relief medications, now is a chance to reduce that dependency!
Take this time for yourself—it not only helps alleviate stress but also prevents and relieves cervical pain, allowing you to regain your vitality!

An all-natural solution to relieve your neck pain

Neck pain is among the most unbearable types of pain. It’s impossible to fully enjoy your days with this stiffness radiating through your neck, shoulders, and sometimes even your forearms!

That’s why it’s important to try to prevent cervicalgia before it occurs, and even before it triggers potential migraines!

The acupressure cushion: a natural prevention and solution for neck pain

The acupressure cushion is a very effective way to relieve neck and cervical pain, and naturally prevent musculoskeletal disorders like cervicalgia!

Alleviating cervical tensions and neuralgia also helps prevent certain headaches! Indeed, neck pain can radiate and trigger migraines.
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It acts on various causes of cervicalgia:

  • Lack of sleep, fatigue, and stress
  • Muscle and joint tensions
  • Poor blood circulation, cell oxygenation

The acupressure cushion will become your companion against cervical pain, always there for you whenever you need it.
In practice, 20 minutes are usually sufficient!

How does the acupressure cushion relieve cervical pain?

  • Release of endorphins and oxytocin, decrease in cortisol

    When the skin comes into contact with the acupressure mat’s spikes, the body naturally releases a large amount of hormones with analgesic (pain-relieving) and anti-stress properties: endorphins and oxytocin.
    At the same time, the stress hormone cortisol decreases.
    As a result, within just a few minutes, you may experience a reduction in your neck pain. These hormones induce a state of well-being that makes it much easier to fall asleep. This helps reduce fatigue, which is one of the causes of cervicalgia.

  • Relaxation of neck and shoulder muscle tensions

    Address the issue at its root and unwind muscle tensions!
    For this purpose, the acupressure mat is the ideal solution.
    Once you lie down on the mat, your body will need to deeply relax to adjust to the spikes covering it. Placed under your neck or shoulders, it gently promotes muscle relaxation. After just a twenty-minute session, you’ll notice your muscles are relaxed. By daily releasing the tensions that accumulate in your neck, you’ll help reduce the onset of cervicalgia.

  • Blood circulation stimulation

    One of the main functions of acupressure is to stimulate blood circulation.
    What effect does this have on your cervicalgia? Stimulating blood circulation helps eliminate toxins, re-oxygenate the blood, and supply all the nutrients that your muscles, tissues, and organs need. This ensures that your brain receives good blood flow, which in turn reduces the risk of cervical pain!

  • Benefits of thermotherapy

    Alternating between hot and cold applications is also a great way to stimulate blood circulation. Thermotherapy is recommended for its relaxing and pain-relieving effects and enhances the benefits of acupressure.
    When heated, the acupressure and thermotherapy cushion will deeply relax your tensions and provide comfort. When cooled, it will immediately relieve pain.

It may take a few uses to get accustomed to the sensation of the acupressure points, although 30% of users experience the benefits as early as the first session.
In fact, some even fall asleep on the acupressure cushion, although it’s obviously not designed for sleeping!

Choose your favorite color

Why choose the Climsom Zen acupressure and thermotherapy cushion over another?

Climsom Zen acupressure cushionLow-cost acupressure cushions

– 100% organic cotton cover and acupressure points made from non-recycled, hypoallergenic plastic.

– Cushions made from 100% organic materials in a French workshop.

– Choice of filling: millet or spelt.*

– Acupressure and thermotherapy cushion.

– Inner and outer composition not specified, chemical dyes.

– Recycled plastic spikes: while this may seem environmentally positive, recycled plastic is also weakened plastic.

– Non-removable cushion cover, non-synthetic or non-organic filling.

– No option for thermotherapy.

*Filling: Which one to choose?
The millet husk filling makes the cushion soft and pliable, while providing ergonomic support for the head and neck. It adapts to all body shapes. For relieving cervicalgia, this version is our preference.

The spelt husk filling also offers excellent support for the head and neck, and is recommended for those seeking more firmness.

Whichever filling you choose, your head and neck will nestle into the softness of the acupressure cushion while the multiple spikes begin their beneficial stimulation and massage.

Testimonials and Reviews on the Climsom Zen Acupressure Cushion

“The cushion is really comfortable and thick, I use it with or without the cover to relieve my neck pain.” Jérôme

“This equipment was recommended to me while I was under the care of a pain management doctor and undergoing detoxification from medication overdose. For me, it has been more than effective, and I use it periodically to prevent my body from becoming accustomed and to always benefit from the endorphin release. I use it along with the mat. There have been times when I fell asleep on it, but often I complete a session with coherent breathing exercises. Also, thank you for the quality of the product.”Claudy

“Excellent for relieving cervical vertebrae and relaxing in general.”Éric

Our study conducted among 325 users of acupressure mats has already proven the effectiveness of acupressure in relieving various pains and tensions!

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