Heavy legs (CVI) and restless legs (RLS): how can they be relieved?
Heavy legs and restless legs are sometimes confused. We're here to help you understand and differentiate between them!
10 Real Actions to Naturally Relieve Migraine
Managing the crisis and prevention: our (real) anti-migraine actions. Guaranteed without ginger tea, onion, or raw potato.
How to Relieve Sinusitis with the Climsom Thermal Cap?
For sinusitis, thermotherapy will be your ally. Discover how the Climsom thermal cap can accelerate your recovery.
Menopause and Insomnia: They Found Their Sleep Again!
Menopause can affect sleep: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia... How can you regain restful sleep? Nicole, Armelle, Laurence, and others share their solutions!
An innovation to relieve erythromelalgia through cooling
How to relieve the burning sensations of erythromelalgia? In this article, we introduce a cooling innovation to help you cope with these life-disrupting symptoms.
Heavy Legs and Compression Stockings in summer: what other solutions?
Compression stockings make you too hot in the summer, but that's when you suffer the most from heavy legs? There are alternatives!
Quit Smoking: Are anti-smoking magnets effective?
Increase your chances of succeeding in smoking cessation: discover anti-smoking magnets!
Migraine Mask: Migraine Hat or Cooling Headband?
The Headache Hat cold headband goes head-to-head with the Climsom Migraine gel cap: who will emerge as the ultimate winner?
Neck Pain and Headache/Migraine: Natural Solutions
A problem in the cervical region can cause headaches and migraine attacks. Take care of your cervical spine with these 3 natural solutions.
Stress: How to Relieve Neck Pain?
3 natural tips to regain a supple and relaxed neck. Just 10 minutes a day is enough!