Health,  Wellness

How to Relieve Sinusitis with the Climsom Thermal Cap?

Feeling of heaviness and pressure in the sinuses, “bar” above the nose, congestion, blocked nose, pain radiating to the jaw and above the eyes, headaches… Whether with or without discharge, sinusitis can make you live a real nightmare.

Among the possible solutions to make the situation more bearable: thermotherapy.
This natural solution uses heat and cold to relieve the pain associated with sinusitis.

Heat can help decongest the sinuses, especially through vasodilation.
Cold can reduce inflammation, and its analgesic effect will soothe the headaches related to sinusitis.

Combining warmth and coolness, the Climsom thermal cap is designed to relieve inflammatory pain. Easy to use, this cap will quickly become an essential to make sinusitis more manageable.

1. Using Heat to Unblock the Sinuses

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Comforting and relaxing, heat is recommended to help liquefy and expel mucus. More convenient and faster than inhalation, the Climsom cap heats up in 40 seconds in the microwave. Once worn, this cap, which perfectly fits the contours of the face, will diffuse its gentle warmth over the painful areas of the face.

Less pressure and irritation

From the moment of application, the heat will relieve the pressure felt in the sinuses, those nasal cavities located on either side of the nose. By facilitating nasal decongestion, it will allow you to breathe better both day and night. Getting to sleep with sinusitis will no longer be a challenge: by applying the heated cap before bed, you will clear your sinuses and then be able to drift off to sleep for a restorative rest.

The heat will also help to increase blood flow to the eye areas, which are often dry during sinusitis. As soon as you apply it, you will feel the muscles around your eyes gradually relax, along with the pressure causing the pain.

For cases of sinusitis caused by allergies, the heat will help reduce allergic symptoms and eye irritation by boosting the lacrimal gland responsible for producing natural tears and clearing the tear duct.

When placed on the neck, it will also help to relax the neck muscles, which are often tense due to the pain.

Long-lasting warmth

When you are in pain and find a solution to relieve it, you want that soothing effect to last as long as possible.
The Climsom gel cap meets this expectation: its thermal effectiveness is strong enough to be genuinely and lastingly beneficial for your sinuses.


Proof of its effectiveness?
Its weight! 617 grams of medical-grade gel ensures good thermal inertia. Unlike gel bead compress masks that fall off and don’t stay where you want them, the Climsom cap distributes heat evenly to provide effective relief.

2. Using Cold to Calm Headaches Triggered by Sinusitis


In case of recurring sinusitis with headaches, you can use the Climsom gel cap in cold mode. Indeed, cold is well known for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and vasoconstrictive properties. It can even serve as a natural treatment for those who wish to limit their use of medication. And in case of fever, it will help bring down the temperature!

Good to know: Cold, by lowering the brain temperature, promotes sleep. The cooling cap will therefore help you fall asleep quickly and have a good night’s rest. Moreover, its black color and thickness block out all light, further facilitating falling asleep!

3. Alternating Hot and Cold Use to Speed Up Recovery

Alternating between hot and cold involves practicing vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) and vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) alternately, thus achieving a sort of thermal gymnastics for the sinuses. This causes the sinuses to contract and expand, promoting their mechanical release and blood circulation for repair.

This alternating process allows for the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the affected area and redirects metabolic waste created by inflammation away from the sinuses.

How to Benefit from Contrast Hydrotherapy?

Ideally equipped with 2 Climsom caps to alternate quickly, you’ll not only enjoy the benefits of heat and cold during the same session, but also a synergistic effect.

In practice, apply the warm cap for 3 minutes, then the cold cap for 1 minute, repeating this cycle 3 times. Repeat this session 2 to 3 times a day to benefit from the contrast hydrotherapy.

Sinusitis: Symptoms and Causes

What are the Symptoms of Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Mucus accumulates inside the sinuses, causing painful pressure on the face above the eyebrows, around the nose, eyes, and cheeks.

If the sinusitis is bacterial in origin, nasal secretions will be thick and colored. If the infection is viral, nasal secretions will be clear.

Whether acute or chronic, sinusitis can also be accompanied by headaches and fever.

Acute Sinusitis or Chronic Sinusitis: What’s the Difference?

The main difference lies in the duration. Acute sinusitis will not last more than 4 weeks, whereas chronic sinusitis will persist for a longer period. Chronic sinusitis is often an acute sinusitis that has not been properly treated. It is also usually associated with an allergy.

What are the Causes of Sinusitis?

Most often, sinusitis is related to a rhinopharyngitis or a cold: the sinuses then fill with mucus which, when too thick, causes sinus pressure or congestion problems. The sinuses become inflamed, and mucus is abundantly secreted.

But inflammation can also be related to:
– a dental problem (abscess)
– an obstruction in the nasal septum that blocks the elimination of mucus (deformation, foreign body…)
– an allergy
– repeated contact with chlorinated products (swimming)
– smoking
– a polluted environment.

In any case, thermotherapy can act as a breath of fresh air! Give it a try!

(1) Ernst E (Ed). The Complete Book of Symptoms and Treatments, Element Books Limited, Angleterre, 1998, p. 286-296.

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